Matrix Ressurections trailer remake
The Matrix trailer recreation is similar to late for school. Filming was done over the course of a few days around October 2022 with some shots like the ones with the Blahaj shark toy done in Febuary 2023. The trailer uses the cover of "White rabbit" by Joe Hawley.
in that it was quite rushed, although it wasn't as rushed, being edited over the course of a few days instead of one panicked night
Exploring trailers
I can't seem to copy the table into google sites so here is a bad quality screenshot from the word document
Deconstructing a trailer
The trailer for “The Matrix Resurrections” consists of a song with a buildup to a climax, it uses this to keep people watching as they might want to know what the climax is. The trailer also shows many objects and references to previous films in the franchise to get people to remember good films and think this one would be good too. This appeals to the target as people like flashing moving objects because it gives them something to look at and they like good music because it reminds them of things that are good quality. In many cases films now will add scenes seemingly only to put them in the trailer, did you see the rise of Skywalker? What was that whole evil rey thing? Trailers for modern action adventure movies are very heavily edited and sometimes very long, if you looked hard enough at some you could probably work out the entire plot. Anyway, the Matrix's trailer is very good because it uses a great song and has a buildup to naturally get people to keep watching as the trailer gradually gets more intense, it ends in a 4th wall breaking line that was definately added by the writer as a jab at the film industy and corperate people she was being forced to write for. I love Lana Wakowski, there's so many clever meanings in this film, you should definately watch it. One thing it did which was quite weird is get rid of the green colour scheme of the origional trilogy, this is an interesting creative descision put probably has a reason.
Ingredients of an action adventure trailer
Ususally music in the background, reveiws and other text flashing on screen, quick cuts
Generating ideas
Idea 1
Matrix resurrections is a film that’s very good, it is very complex and has deep metaphorical meanings. Reconstructing that would be good and I could use the cover of the song “White Rabbit” by Joe Hawley, the original of which was used in the trailer.
Idea 2
Don't look up is a film that has a very good concept and satirical depiction of the world. A possible reimagining is that
Idea 3
Writing a proposal
Matrix 4th film but it’s a different person and place, kind of a second saga like star wars or jurrasic world did.
Producing a script
Can’t really do a script, there isn't any dialogue.
Words to put on the screen: “THIS JUNE” “THE SERIES IS REBORN”
Shots I could put in the trailer:
Running outside
Eating red pill (maybe some sort of montage)
Dropping blue pills in the sink (like og film)
Risk assessment
Could fall in the pond, get eaten by a duck, trip on camera equipment, overall the filming area is not dangerous and the risk level is low.
Props and costumes
Casual clothes mainly, hoodies, long black coat for some shots, make sure wearing the same clothes for contiguous shots.
I will film over the 25-30 october when I'm not too tired.